Monday, June 3, 2013

For a UTI try this....

    Some people seem prone to getting urinary tract infections (UTI). Others may be lucky enough to never experience the pain and discomfort they cause. Women are more susceptible to UTIs because their urinary tracts are shorter than that of a man. If you have had one (or get them frequently) you probably already know about cranberry juice being a good way to flush out the bacteria causing the infection but I have found that d-mannose powder works much faster and seems much more effective. In addition to that, most commercial cranberry juice might make them worse because they are full of sugar, you're best to make sure you are drinking 100% cranberry juice with no sugar added. 
    D-mannose is a simple sugar found in some plants (cranberries being one of them). It adheres to the bacteria causing the infection and prevents it from sticking to your bladder lining. It's pretty tasteless and can be taken mixed with some water or cranberry juice. When I have used it in the past, I have felt relief after my first dose. 
    If you feel you have a UTI it is best to start taking steps to get rid of it as soon as possible, before it travels to your kidneys and causes something much more painful/serious. Fill your glass of water and keep drinking, you want to flush the bacteria out. You can get over the counter cranberry pills but if you have D-mannose powder on hand, I promise, you will see the fastest relief of anything else. This is the kind I keep in the cabinet:
You can get it here:

    It is well worth the money, the bottle will last you a long time and its expiration date should be years after your purchase date. My bottle is good till 2015 and I have had it for about 2 years now. I hope this helps the next time you find yourself with the terrible discomfort that comes with a UTI. 

~ Janet ✌

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