Thursday, June 13, 2013

Our NON GMO project gift box!

    Back in April the people at had a contest. You had to submit a picture with a sign telling what you were doing to stay GMO free. We entered a photo and recently found out that our photo was one of the winners! The prize was a box of goodies that are all GMO free! We were so excited to see what was in our box and today, it's here!!! So let's check it out :)
Very nice little note included:
Big, heavy box. As you see, UPS was very serious about the fragile label :-/
Inside is a nice, large reusable bag with a list of GMO free brands. We should all be supporting these brands.  
I can already see some of the goodies. This bag is stuffed full!
Here is a picture of everything that was inside! Fruit spread, pretzels, chocolate bars, cookies, granola bars, brownie mix, olives, coconut milk, jelly beans, B vitamins, plant sourced minerals and Andalou skin products! Amazing!

     This contest was so much fun, my girls had fun making up what to do for the picture and they learned a lot while discussing the idea behind the contest. They are bursting with excitement after opening this package today! Almost everything is gluten free and of course, ALL GMO free!!! If you've never been to their site, check it out!! and 'like' them on facebook Non-GMO project. Remember to know the brands you're buying from, support the brands that want us to have the right to know if we are eating GMOs. Thank you so much to everyone at, what an amazing gift and what an amazing thing they are doing over there by working so hard to get the word out on GMOs. 

    Here's our winning photo :)     

~ Janet

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