Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Are your eggs fresh?

    I enjoy eggs so much, they are a very nutrient dense food and so versatile. We consume a good amount of eggs around here and we are lucky enough to have family that raise nice, well cared for chickens.  It's a good idea to try to get your eggs as fresh as possible and from a place you have seen. This way you know how these chickens are really living. The term "cage free" doesn't necessarily mean these chickens have space to roam around happily, wording on your eggs can be very tricky. It's not always possible to find a place to get your eggs other than the grocery store. In that case, you want to be sure you're not getting any old eggs. Here's how to tell if you've got fresh eggs. 
     Place your egg in a bowl of water, if the egg sinks to the bottom and lays on its side, it's very fresh. If your egg bobs around on the bottom, it's a week or so old. If your egg sits on its tip, it's a few weeks old. Finally, if your egg floats, toss it!!! You've got a bad egg! 
     If you crack your egg, a fresh egg will have a nice round yolk with the white surrounding it an looking nice and think. If the white is loose and runny, like water and the yolk is flat, toss it, you've got a bad egg! 
    Eggs are full of protein and low in calories. They contain antioxidants as well as vitamins B2 and B12. They are rich in minerals too, they contain selenium, molybdenum and iodine. Eggs are so easy to prepare and can be made in so many different, wonderful ways. Do you start your day off with an egg? 

~ Janet ✌

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