I have a few things that I couldn't live without, one of them is baking soda! I use it every single day, in the kitchen, bathroom, on the carpets, in my hair, bug bites it seems I'm always saying "let me get the baking soda". My children even ask for it all the time! Here are a few ways I love to use it....
For beauty/personal care:
Use it as a mouthwash. Mix 1 tsp baking soda with about 4 oz water. Swish around, spit then rinse.
Make a facial. Mix 3 parts baking soda with 1 part water (or coconut oil) to make a paste. Rub this in circular motions all over your face and neck. It will leave your skin soft and fresh.
Use it as a natural deodorant and get rid of the chemical stuff. Just run some right under your arms and it will balance your ph and deodorize!
Make a bath soak and soften your skin! Just add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your bath water, you will feel a difference in your skin when you get out.
Foot bath. Add some baking soda to a bucket of water to create a soothing foot bath. It will deodorize your feet and leave them feeling soft. You can also make a paste to scrub the dead skin from your feet, works like a charm. Make it as you would for the facial, if you use coconut oil, you will have some wonderfully soft feet :)
Make it your shampoo! Ditch the shampoo with all the ingredients you can't pronounce, this stuff has made my hair look and feel better than ever. I mix about 1/2 cup baking soda with 3 cups water and put in a squirt bottle. The baking soda removes all the yucky residue build up in your hair. I follow up with a rinse of apple cider vinegar (I will post about that later)
Make an antacid. This balances the ph in your body so it's very helpful mixed with water to settle a sour stomach.
Help with insect bites. This is my go to for itchy red insect bites. I make a little paste and dap it on the bite with a q tip. You'll be amazed how much this can help!
Around the house:
Deodorize all over the house! Sprinkle on the carpets, let it sit for 15 minutes to soak up odors and then vacuum. I make a nice little mix of baking soda, nutmeg and cinnamon and toss it on the carpets! Smells great and after you vacuum it up, the vacuum seems pretty good too :)
Sprinkle in trash cans, garbage disposals, shoes. Keep it in the fridge and it will deodorize all of these things!
Scrub your pots and pans, sinks, toilets, oven, counters, bathtub, floors. You can add it to your dish soap to give it a little boost. Either make a paste or sprinkle it right in your counter tops, in your toilet, bathtub etc and just scrub with a sponge. Rinse well and it will have everything sparkling.
Unclog your drains. If you have a drain that seems to be clogged up just sprinkle about 1/2 cup baking soda then add 1/2 cup vinegar, let it bubble and drain, wait 20 min and pour boiling water down. It works amazing to clear up a clog.
Boost your laundry detergents cleaning power! Add 1/2 cup baking soda to your wash and you will see fresher laundry.
Suck up an oil stain. I have used it on oil on clothes and floors. Just add a little pile right in top of the oil and let it sit. You may have to apply more than once but this will soak up oil very well. I have saved many articles of clothing this way.
Soak your cloths diapers. Mix 1/2 cup baking soda to a small bucket of water and let your diapers soak, it will take away those gross smells very quickly.
Fire extinguisher. If you find yourself with a little kitchen fire, toss some baking soda over it to get it out. Also good to bring some camping to throw on the fire if you need to.
Fun with the kiddies:
Last but no least on my list is making good fun experiments with the kids! Add some baking soda and vinegar to make an exploding volcano.
Make a balloon blow up itself with baking soda and vinegar.
Explode a ziplock bag by mixing baking soda and vinegar, this is a favorite aroun here :)
I'm sure I haven't even covered the many ways I use baking soda, it's just got endless possibilities. Please share some ways you use it around your house. It will save our environment a lot of bad chemicals if more people start to use it around the home, it will also save you from lots of chemicals in your body if you try it as a deodorant or shampoo. Not to mention how much money it can save you! Who doesn't like to save money?!? So try it out and tell me what you think! Here is the brand I use:
~ Janet ✌
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