Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Keep your garden safe from slugs

    This year I am having a problem with slugs! They are eating my baby squash plants, each time one pops up, it's soon gone. After losing 5 plants, I am fed up and trying everything I know to keep them from eating my new squash. I thought I'd share with you, in case you find your plants being attacked by slimy slugs. 
    I saved up some egg shells, cleaned them off and then crushed them up. 
I took this out to the garden and spread it in a circle around my squash plant (it's just coming out of the ground, if I don't keep them away tonight, my plant will be gone tomorrow)
This is also good for the soil because it provides calcium as the shell decomposes. So added benefit! The slugs won't be comfortable crossing the rough, sharp eggshell because it will hurt their belly. 

    I also sprinkled diatomaceous earth around all my plants. This is great because it also keeps other insect pests away. Again, the slug does not want to skim its belly across the diatomaceous earth just like the egg shell. If you don't have this handy you can put down some sand paper, they don't like that either and it won't harm your garden. 

    Tonight I will put out a bowl of beer. The slugs will love it and they will be there in the morning for you to dispose of. I'll ask my husband to take care of that task :)

    Another thing you can do is invest in copper wire it tubing. This reacts to the slime they produce and basically shocks them. I don't have any copper wire around right now so that's not an option for me but it works really well if you've got some!

    The last thing that will deter slugs are plants that do not like. Just plant some rosemary, anise or fennel around the plants you're having problems with. That should help keep them away. Slugs are really attracted to pepper plants and squash, if you see holes in the leaves of your plants, you might want to try a few of these ideas. If you have any ideas for me, I will be sure to give them a try and post about it! I am trying to save my squash, I will update later to say if I've had success or not. Wish me luck :D

~ Janet ✌

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