Monday, July 15, 2013

Royal jelly for your health

    I am honestly, in love with bees. I enjoy learning about them and how they live. Something fascinating about how hard they work and how they treat their queen bee, it's just unexplainable! We've recently started keeping bees and I am learning more and more each day. For years now I've kept royal jelly in the refrigerator and my husband and I take little tsp full a few times a week. I believe there are benefits that we still don't know about from things like royal jelly, bee pollen and propolis. 

    Royal jelly is produced by worker bees in their pharyngeal glands. Its fed to the larvae  while they grow. The queen is fed royal jelly her entire life. She grows bigger than the workers and lives for years (the worker for about 6 weeks). Here are some reason I take royal jelly:
          •rich in amino acids, protein, fatty acids, iron and calcium
          •contains vitamins B, C, D & E
          •helps balance hormones
          •helps maintain a healthy menstrual cycle
          •helps reduce the signs of aging
          •can reduce inflammation
          •immune system boost
          •boost fertility; a study showed a 40% increase in fertility when taking royal jelly. 

     If you have an allergy to bees, you should avoid taking any bee products. However, if you have no allergy, I believe there are lots of health benefits to bee products. Honey, royal jelly, propolis and bee pollen, they all have so many different uses and benefits. I only enjoy the taste and texture of honey, my propolis, pollen and royal jelly, I take quickly and usually have a chaser ready ;) but I know I feel good taking them. 

     Do you take any bee products? 

~ Janet ✌

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