Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fresh tomato, basil and avocado salad

This salad reminds me of summertime! It's so colorful, cool and refreshing. If you grow your own tomatoes and basil (which are so easy and can be done in pots if you don't have much space) this salad is will cost you next to nothing to make :). I make enough to eat a nice portion and have a little bit to save for later. Here is what I do (so many different things you can add, tuna, chicken, different veggies, a squirt of lemon instead of balsamic vinegar)
          •1 avocado diced up
          •2 tomatoes diced
          •handful of basil chopped
          •1 clove of garlic minced
          •sea salt & pepper to taste
          •drizzle of olive oil & balsamic vinegar

I toss the avocado, tomato, basil and garlic. Then sprinkle a little corse sea salt and pepper. Then spray (or drizzle) with a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Toss together and that's it! No cooking and it's filling and full of vitamins. This salad is fun to add different things to. As a dinner I like to add goats cheese, pine nuts and tuna! 

Do you have variations of a salad like this that you enjoy? If so, please share them!

~ Janet ✌

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